Washington Glaze
Born: September 1867 Died: June
Married to Nancy Bethena Johnson: There
Children were:
Henry B. Glaze James David Glaze Albert Mancel
Glaze Luther Marion Glaze Owen Richard Glaze
Mildred L. Glaze Nellie Irene Glaze Azzie Lee Glaze
Washington Glaze, son of James Wesley Glaze and Martha Glaze, was born in September of 1867 at Macon County, North Carolina. He married March 2, 1884 at Gwinnett County, Georgia, Nancy Bethena Johnson, who was born in February of 1863 in Tennessee, a daughter of Benjamin W. Johnson and Lyddia Johnson. Their children were:
Farbie Glaze, born June 1887, Walton County, Georgia, Married Jesse A. Carter. Died 1935 at Gwinnett County, Georgia.
Henry B. Glaze, born June 21, 1889, Walton County, Georgia, Died October 25, 1906 at Walton County, Georgia.
James David Glaze, born April 20, 1891, Gwinnett County, Georgia, Married, Violet
Ramsden. Died March 1929 at Stone Mountain,Dekalb County, Georgia.
Albert Mancel Glaze. born September 1, 1893, Walton County, Georgia Married, December 31, 1911 to Alice Alma Rowe. Died, September 10, 1965 at Walton County, Georgia
Luther Marion Glaze, born May 11, 1895 at Rockdale County, Georgia Married, October 26, 1913 to Herman Artifical Kilgore. Died May 5, 1972 at Gwinnett County, Georgia
Owen Richard Glaze, born July 1897, Gwinnett County, Georgia Married, Bevie L. Glaze
Mildred L. Glaze, born August 1899, Gwinnett County, Georgia. Married, Haney
Nellie Irene Glaze, born May 2, 1903, Gwinnett County, Georgia. Married, September 7, 1924 to Newman Thomas. Died, January 30, 1985 at Tucker, Dekalb County, Georgia.
Azzie Lee Glaze, born May 2, 1905, Walton County, Georgia. Married, November 23, 1920 to Claud Franklin Rutledge. Died, January 14, 1989 at Conyers, Rockdale County,
Washington Glaze was the son of James Wesley Glaze and his wife Martha.
There is little known about James and Martha, except the bare statistics
that can be found in records such as the United States Census. One fact that
is known from the census records, James Wesley Glaze had an older brother
named Thomas Washington Glaze. Further research has determined that this
older brother was killed in action in The War Between The States. He served
in the 39th Regiment of the North Carolina Infantry, Company B, and was
killed, August 20, 1864, defending Atlanta. Confederate soldier Thomas
Washington Glaze is buried in the Zoar Church Cemetery, in Gwinnett County,
James Wesley Glaze must have been thinking of his older brother when his own
son was born in September 1868, choosing to honor his brother's memory by
giving his son the same name.
Thomas Washington Glaze was born in Macon County, North Carolina. The family
moved to Georgia sometime between 1870 and 1880. Records which might
pinpoint the date and reasons for the family's move have not been located.
James Wesley Glaze's family, and several of his siblings moved south to the
Gwinnett, Rockdale, and Walton Counties, in the general vicinity of Walnut
Grove Georgia. Farming appears to be the occupations of this family. There
are no records to indicate that the Glaze family owned the land that they
farmed, rather that they were sharecroppers for most of the last two decades
of the 19th century.
Thomas Washington Glaze died in 1941. A written record of his funeral was
made by a gentleman named Eric Long. The text of that record follows:
Procedure at the Funeral of Mr. Thomas Washington Glaze
Walnut Grove Methodist Episcopal Church and Internment in the Churchyard
June 12, 1941, 2:30 P.M.
He was nearing his 73rd Birthday
As entered the church piano was playing "Jesus Lover Of My
Soul.". First song: "Asleep In Jesus". Second Song:
"Shall We Gather At The River". Here Rev O. S. Bailey took
charge. He read the usual information as to relatives and the brief
history of bro. Glaze. Then began the reading of the scripture. (I give
below the places read from and just a few words of the principle verses
stressed by the preacher) "Ye believe in God, believe also in
me..." Found in 14th chapter of John. From the book of Revelation,
"And I heard a great voice...", "Tears wiped away...",
"All things new...", First sic verses of 21st Revelation.
"Alpha and Omega", "I will give unto him that is athirst of
the fountain of the water of life freely...", "...No night
there...", First five verses of 22nd Revelation. Prayer by Rev. G. L.
Glaze. Special song, trio, "Farther along" by Eric Long, Mr.
& Mrs. W. G. Humphries and Mrs. H. A. Moon.
Mr. Bailey began by painting a good word picture of Bro. Glaze. "A
pleasure for me to tell you these things about him", "Glad his
old companion is able to be here". Special scripture read here from
the 13th verse of 14th chapter of Revelation, "Blessed are the dead
which die in the Lord from Henceforth...". Special attention called
to this verse as related to a person like Bro. Glaze. Bro. Glaze showed
that he had met the Lord somewhere... I believe he was a child of God. It
was such a man as this that John was talking about. "Blessed are they
that die in the Lord." Then he quotes, "Come ye blessed of my
Father inherit...", 25th chapter Matthew verse34. Exhorted us to
better lives and hopes by the life of Bro. Glaze. There's a better place
for Bro. Glaze in a "House not made with hands". "In my
Father's house are many mansions...". "He (the Lord) is coming
again", (Ecclesiastes). "God will judge every man according to
his works", but our works will not, but the grace of God will enable
us to go to heaven. Give ourselves over to the Lord ... He will be with
you and a friend forever. To the relatives, "Look unto the
Lord", I commend you to the Lord Jesus Christ...
Here Rev. G. L. Glaze gave a brief sermon and talk. As follows - Mr Glaze
was "Uncle Tommie to him", "Hurts us very much, but Jesus
as, 'I go to prepare a place' - Nothing better to say then he was a
"God fearing man" - To have hold of the Lord. "Greatest
riches you can hold in your hand is eternal life". "We have an
intercessor, Jesus Christ, Trust the Lord". Wonderful to be able to
trust God for salvation. "He watches over us in love". "He
rescues us in times of distress". "But woe to those who do not
trust the Lord". We know that uncle Tommie is in the hands and
presence of God. Warns of the great judgment day. "May the Lord bless
During view song - "Sweet By And By", and piano plays
"Shall We Gather At The River" and "Jesus Lover Of My
Soul". Conclusion at the grave side Bro. Bailey offering up the
benediction Prayer. Making up the chior - W. G. Humphries, Mrs. Cloe
Humphries, Reba Humphries, Eric Long, Mrs. Laura Baker, Mrs Ray, (May Ila)
Moon, Miss Lois Stone, Miss Margie Clay, Mrs. June Thompson, Mrs. May
Woodruff with Mrs. H. A. (Rosie) Moon at the piano. (You can make a list
of the relatives and of the pall bearers and attach to this if you wish.
Almand - Undertakers.
Notes made by Eric Long.
The pallbearers at his funeral were Henry Glaze, Byram Glaze, Arthur
Carter, Ralph Carter, Thomas Haney, and Grover Lee Glaze.