and Ministries / Kingswood|youth /
Weekly Programs for 6th to 12th graders:
UMYF (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) a.k.a.
[6th to 12th grade]
When: most Sundays, 5pm-7pm
Where: The Café (upstairs in the Kingswood Community Life Center)
What is it? UMYF is always a lot of fun. We hang out, EAT, play games, laugh
a lot, talk about God, and sometimes make some music. Periodically we have a
Destination Unknown night, so call the church or check the bulletin for the
latest news.
Middle School Sunday School
[6th to 8th grade]
When: Sundays, 9:45am-10:45am
Where: Middle School Room (upstairs in the Kingswood Community Life Center)
What is it? Well, it’s a typical Sunday School in that we talk about God and
study the Bible. But it’s not typical cause we have a lot of fun! It’s
definitely worth getting out of bed for!
High School Sunday School
[9th to 12th grade]
When: Sundays, 9:45am-10:45am
Where: The Café (upstairs in the Kingswood Community Life Center)
What is it? Again, it’s Sunday School – we are here to learn about God. But
it’s not just boring Bible talk. We’re real with each other. We ask tough
questions and try to search for the best possible way to live.
Breathe Deep
[6th to 12th grade]
When: most Wednesdays, 6:30pm-7:30pm
Where: The Café (upstairs in the Kingswood Community Life Center)
What is it? Breathe Deep is a time halfway through the week when we get
together to just BREATHE and also talk DEEPly about God. Most of us are way
too busy, and we need a chance to get together when there’s no pressure. We
just check in with each other, see how everything’s going, and pause to
receive a little of what God has for us.
March 18, 2008