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Dear Kingswood Family,

    It was with eager anticipation, and a bit of anxiety, that I met with our NCD coach. The results of our second survey were in, and I was meeting with him to discuss the results. As he shared with me, I could hardly contain my excitement. He began, “Chuck, this is the first time I have ever seen anything like this happen. Kingswood improved in every one of the eight quality characteristics.” All I could respond was “WOW.”

    We need to CELEBRATE the improvement that you have made over the last NCD cycle. As for the scores, the minimum factor we worked on, ‘empowering leadership,’ improved from 22 to 58 and is now our maximum. Our average score improved from 36 to 51, a very significant improvement.
    Our new minimum factor is ‘Gift Based Ministry’ and our score is 45. Gift based ministry is defined as follows: The Holy Spirit sovereignly gives every Christian spiritual gifts for the building up of God’s kingdom.
Church leaders have the responsibility to help each person discover, deliver, develop and exercise their gifts in appropriate ministry so that the Body of Christ ‘grows and builds itself up in love. Our objective over this next NCD cycle will be to help each person live out this definition of ‘Gift Based Ministry.’

    The work that you are doing to improve the health of Kingswood is very important, and I wish to commend each of you on the contribution you have made. Healthy organizations are vital and growing organizations, and we are well on our way to being a very healthy church. I ask each of you to join me and the NCD team in working the process that NCD provides. If you have questions about the process, please schedule some time with me or any member of the NCD team. The full set of scores and the names of the NCD team members can be found on the church website.

Rev. Chuck

Community Garage Sale
Coming this July 18th from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. For more info, visit our "News & Events" page! Proceeds support Kingswood Missions programs.

Sports & Fitness Activities At Kingswood

To learn more about all the varied Sports and Fitness activities available at Kingswood, visit the web page at: Sports and Fitness



Sermon for Sunday July 19

"Too Much For Me To Handle"
Psalm 61:1-4 (NLT)

Welcome Holland Grace Carruth

Kingswood welcome's Tom and Shelly Carruth's daughter, born Friday, July 10, 2009 at 12:35pm, weighing 7 lbs, 2 oz, and measuring 20 ½ in.

Sunday School
Kingswood has a wide variety of classes available to children and adults. Everyone is welcome; you need not be a member of our Church to take advantage of these engaging weekly sessions. read more

Kingswood United Methodist Church
5015 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, Georgia 30338 • 770.457.1317 tel
© 1996-2007 Kingswood United Methodist Church