Committee Chair: JANET
Beth Balga
Eva Walston
Chris Carter
Ron Wind: Graphics
Dawn Satrum: Bulletin
Boards Jeff Glaze: Webmaster
Local church communications is a ministry that does many
shares the church’s story with the public,
creates an image of the church and the congregation,
builds community within the church, creates excitement,
builds pride in the church and the denomination,
promotes opportunities and resources,
maintains two-way communication (story telling and story
listening) with the congregation and with the community,
provides information the congregation needs to make
informed decisions,
helps make the church’s vision come alive in people’s
thoughts, words, and actions.
Church communications is driven by the belief that people
are important to God.
In its broadest sense, church communications is the sum
total of everything we do, say, or show. Churches are
constantly communicating, whether they mean to or not.
Intentionally communicating is the cornerstone of an
effective communications ministry.
Brought down to one goal, church communications works with
all the other ministries of the church to reach out and
bring people into a relationship with each other and Jesus
Christ. Just as Mary was instructed to “Go, tell”
—From Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation:
Communications, 2005-2008 (Cokesbury, 2004), p.7. Copyright
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