Programs and Ministries /
Disciple Bible Study
Invitation to John
A Short-Term Disciple Bible Study
The DISCIPLE Bible Studies are a series of in-depth, high commitment
studies that have enriched the spiritual growth of more than one
million people. This spring and summer, we are offering an
opportunity to participate in a short-term (Eleven week) DISCIPLE
Bible Study on the book of John.
The “Invitation to John” Disciple Class will be an 11 week series
beginning May 5, 2008
Classes are scheduled for Monday nights 7:00-9:00PM
Weekly classes are two hours including a video segment to guide each
session with interpretive presentations from biblical scholars;
group discussions; and opportunities for reflection on some aspect
of the Scripture studied. Our Class Leader will be Gary Fuller.
Participant Study Guides are $10:00 each.
Invitation to John
In its wisdom, the early church chose to keep four Gospel accounts
of the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Three of
these Gospels are very similar to each other in both what they tell
about the story of Jesus and how they tell it. However, the Gospel
of John stands apart. In it, we find Jesus speaking not in parables
but in lengthy discourses.
We overhear Jesus talking with Nicodemus, a Samaritan woman, and
Mary Magdalene. We marvel at Jesus turning water into wine, calling
Lazarus from the tomb, and washing his disciples’ feet. We linger
over Jesus’ great promises: “For God so loved the world.…” “I am the
bread of life.…” “I am the resurrection.…” “Peace I leave with
you.…” In the very first chapter of John’s Gospel, Jesus issues two
invitations: “Come and see,” and “Follow me.” They echo the
invitations of this study: to come and see this Jesus—to hear him
speak, to see his signs—and to consider anew what it means to be his
Please consider joining this exciting Disciple Bible Study Class.
Contact the Church Office for more information.