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Seniors Live at Kingswood (SLAK)

Don’t let that acronym fool you!  If ever there was an active group of seniors, it’s this one.

On the third Tuesday of each month, SLAK meets for lunch at Kingswood's Community Life Center (Room #212).  At each meeting we endeavor to schedule programs that prove interesting, and fun, for all.  Recent examples include a singing and dancing troupe from St. Joseph’s Hospital Women’s Auxiliary, and a historian on the Revolutionary War.

Additionally, SLAK offers participants several day trips during the year.  There is an affordable participation fee charged for each event. 


Kingswood United Methodist Church
5015 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, Georgia 30338 • 770.457.1317 tel
© 1996-2006 Kingswood United Methodist Church