About Us /
Natural Church Development
Church Development
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the "minimum
The Minimum Factor
Imagine a barrel
with eight staves, each representing the
eight quality characteristics.
The staves in the barrel only reach as high as the
score of the characteristic. With this analogy, you
can only fill the barrel to the level of the lowest
stave. So to increase the capacity of the barrel, we
must increase the height of the lowest stave.
on the minimum factor does not mean that we don’t
pay attention to the other seven areas. All eight
characteristics are vitally important to healthy
growing churches. Focusing on the minimum factor
helps us to set timely priorities. Since all eight
areas can’t be worked on with the same amount of
energy and concentration, we need to find areas that
will yield the greatest long-range return on our
investments. Minimum factors can change quickly –
especially when there is a conscious attempt to
improve on this one area.
As we have already indicated,
Kingswood's first survey results indicated that our
minimum factor is "Empowering
If you have a question, please e-mail it to webmaster@kingswoodumc.org