Christian Education /
Sunday School
The Ark Class
Like Noah’s storied vessel, the Ark Class is a wonderful cross-section
of Kingswood, and welcomes all interested individuals to join in. Made
up mostly of mid-30 to 50-somethings (we’ll never tell!), participants
select the types of studies and topics to discuss throughout the year.
Past classes have included video/discussions, bible expositors, current
events, bible studies and more. Each Sunday, a member of the class
volunteers to lead the session and a wrap up of the lesson is emailed to
all class attendees. Interesting, lively discussions are a hallmark of
the Ark class. Members also enjoy several “extra-curricular” activities
throughout the year, including an annual Christmas party and group
participation in church events.
To learn if the Ark Class is for you, we invite you to stop by and visit
anytime. We meet in Room 208 of Kingswood's Community Life Center from
10:00 – 10:45 each Sunday morning. For more information, please contact
Clay Snellings at